By: Momin Khan
SRINAGAR: The youths of Kashmir have mostly stayed away from electoral politics only some of the population of youths in kashmir have stepped up and showed their interest in political field, some worked day and night to get space in the field and some came from dynastic political background. The reason behind the less participation of youths in politics is dynasty politics and the taste of betrayal tasted by the people of Kashmir since last 72 years and were betrayed by those politicians who played duo dirty politics and used the people for their chair and own political benefits.
If we talk about the leadership qualities the youths of Kashmir are none the less with any other, They have the potential to show their leadership skills like they have been doing in other fields like sports, music, acting etc and are making the nation proud with their talent, and there’s no such home in kashmir where people are not aware about the political scenario be it of national or an international interest.
This political betrayal has been an ongoing process here since decades and the youths of Kashmir and kashmiri people were betrayed mostly by the regional parties of Kashmir “National conference” and “ People’s Democratic Party” . With the incoming of power, madness and corruption has always strangled the innocents. With every new incoming power, people expect a change for the betterment of society, A change which these ‘powerful’ and other parties then in power had promised during the campaigns held before elections. The power which should have brought patience, persistence and competence, is changed so corruptly that it ends bringing vanity and hypocrisy.
Before getting in power, these people are at their best behavior. They make ‘hollow’ promises which are good enough to raise the expectancy of people but they never intend to fulfill any of these promises. As a result people were left heartbroken and distrustful. This goes on until another candidate comes and promises people of an archetypal society but fails miserably after coming into power.
Distrust and power are juxtaposed to produce hopelessness in people. This hopelessness is misunderstood as Impotency by these ‘powerful’ and thus they go on carrying their evil deeds, many old and new parties came made hollow promises but failed miserably on ground to fulfil even 1% of what they said and promised with the people, due to this sour taste of betrayal, people of Kashmir lost their faith in democracy and became helpless against these powerful thugs who kept on maintaining their political legacies and always went against the decision of people.
In 2010, when JKNC was in power, Almost 125 people were killed and 4,288 were injured, including security forces. In 2008, when congress was in power, 46 people were killed and 1,265 others were injured, including security forces. In 2016 when BJP and PDP alliance were in power More than 100 people including 5 security personnel have died during the unrest. Over 19,000 people including more than 15,000 civilians as well as 4,000 security personnel have been injured in the unrest. To free the innocents from the clutches of horror, On Jan 09, 2017 Members of National Conference and BJP legislators clashed in the Jammu and Kashmir Assembly during the Opposition’s protest to demand a time-bound judicial probe into civilian killings during the 2016 Kashmir unrest. An investigation is certainly required to keep a check on the powerful.
The politicians of Kashmir have always played chameleon politics, they played with the sentiments of kashmiri people by telling lies, making fake promises, giving Pro Indian statements in Delhi and Pro Pakistani statements in kashmir they treated kashmiris like fools as if kashmiris didn’t knew what they are doing and for what reason. The people of Kashmir had to vote in favour of them because there was no other option against them. New leadership of Kashmir was never supported and not even given a chance to participate in democratic process by centre government and these political prostitutes, as a result kashmir remained under these thugs who tried day and night to made their own fortunes, looted kashmir, and if anything was left there they would distribute it among the people and that too after a much of drama and publicity to show the people that they are working for kashmiris.
Kashmir has witnessed many political killings too but unfortunately no one has ever talked about it because the martyrs were party workers not party leaders. Political parties here respected the party workers as like paid labourers and in return one or two jobs were given to the family of that worker leaving the educated youth behind settling their own lobbies and giving hype to corruption . These regional parties were actually fooling people on the name of article 370, 35A , AFSPA , corruption free Govt , good governance and many more but all that was a dream come true for kashmiris, these politicians and parties never intended to do what they promised with the people, not to forget during the last ULB elections in kashmir these parties first boycotted the elections and then made their proxies who were the member’s of these parties and were told to resign from the party by High command authority and contested elections on so called independent play card candidates and soon after the results the members were welcomed back in the party fold with flowers and bouquets in a short span of six months or a year.
All the political parties in kashmir especially NC and PDP had a crave for power and they politicised each and every single issue of Kashmir for maintaining their political decorum in front of the people. These two parties are opponents only when one of them is in power but when both of them are out they are the sympathisers of each, we know the example of this how they held secret and public meetings at Gupkar before the abrogation of article 370 and 35A.
I have a question to the sympathisers of these parties and the leaders and say that these detainee’s should be released ASAP! If u want them to get released why don’t u shout for those children’s who are under detention since last many years and have been detained under their tenure, how many youths have been killed till now, how many people were blinded with pellets when these regional parties were in power. The 3 former CMs of Jammu and Kashmir Mr Farooq Abdullah of NC, Mr Omar Abdullah of NC and Ms Mehbooba Mufti of PDP who are under detention right now since abrogation of article 370 and 35A were the head of unified command in their regime’s and it wouldn’t have been so easy for security forces to use even a single bullet on the people of Kashmir in the years of mishaps that have happened in last many years but it was their order and process in which many innocents lost their lives . Last year on 5th of August 2019 article 370 and 35A was revoked Centre withdrew the special status of the erstwhile state and bifurcated it into Union territories of Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh and we saw that not even a single bullet was fired and no killings have been reported. I need to give credit to the people of Kashmir, the administration, and the security forces for maintaining calm and peace but there’s also a need to think. Why killings were being done only in their reign, Were they getting paid? Or they loved the blood of Kashmiri people ? They betrayed and butchered thousands of Kashmiri youths due to which many youths from kashmir joined other ranks.
In their political regime Every sector of Kashmir started downgrading especially the back bone of Kashmir economy “Tourism sector” was worst hit under PDP Govt lead by “Mehbooba mufti” and her traitors since 2014 , these are the questions that have to be answered by them. If they are against the revocation of article 370 and 35A, why don’t their party leaders resign from Parliament of India? (Two of PDP and Three of NC) I don’t have any personal grudges with these parties or the leaders but yes, I am against their politics and the policies they used against kashmiris
The article 370 and 35A was a political tool for them actually an ace card that they used to prevent their parties from fear of loosing elections in kashmir, these articles were just a box and empty inside. It was NC and PDP who brought GST bills, land grant bills and other bills that were not implemented in kashmir but after coming in power their first step was the governance against the people of. The people of Kashmir were and are fed up from them because their hands are soaked in blood they are responsible for the innocents killings in Kashmiri, they did a lot of corruption recently a son of former finance minter of JKNC was booked by CBI for a corruption of about 171 crores and was involved in a bank fraud case there are many more leaders who are involved in corruption, bribery, political killings and other cases that should be investigated as early as possible.
The views are of the writers own and it has been strongly mentioned that there’s no personal target to any of the party or the leader but against their politics and the policies.